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Tesla referral code – free supercharging

Tesla referral code – free supercharging

https://ts.la/erich16605 You get 1.500 7.500km of free Supercharging (until May 28th) when you purchase a new Tesla

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sjekke om det er feil på telenor bredbånd

sjekke om det er feil på telenor bredbånd

ringe: 915 09 000, kryss av: trykk 2, 1, 2 kryss av: https://www.telenor.no/privat/minesider/open/driftsmelding/driftsmeldinger.cms

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How to take MySql dump (backups)

How to take MySql dump (backups)

mysqldump –add-drop-table -a -u username -p database | gzip > prod-db-dump.sql.gz Note: The password is not passed to the command line, but it will asked at the prompt

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How to delete Quicklook thumbnails on Mac

How to delete Quicklook thumbnails on Mac

Long story short: Apple saves the thumbnails that you see with quicklook, even if you delete the original. If you see the images stored into an external drive and then unmount it, you might think, “hey I am safe”. Well, apparently you are not. So…

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Preserve bash history in multiple terminals

Preserve bash history in multiple terminals

dd the following to ~/.bashrc # Avoid duplicates export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups # When the shell exits, append to the history file instead of overwriting it shopt -s histappend # After each command, append to the history file and reread it export PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND$'\n'}history -a; history -c; history…

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How to take mysql dump

How to take mysql dump

mysqldump –add-drop-table -a -u <user> -p <dbname> | gzip > db-dump.sql.gz

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How can I delete a file from git repo?

How can I delete a file from git repo?

git rm file1.txt git commit -m "remove file1.txt" if you want to remove the file only from the Git repository and not remove it from the filesystem, use: git rm –cached file1.txt git commit -m "remove file1.txt" To push changes to remote repo git push…

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Run one process (or more) into tmux

Run one process (or more) into tmux

Let’s say you need to run a process like a lightweight private npm proxy registry such as Verdaccio and you do not want to use a Docker container. You can run a simple command as noup verdaccio & . It might happen that the process…

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Check DNS nameservers information about host addresses

Check DNS nameservers information about host addresses

You might want to find information about a particular domain and check where it is hosted. i.e.: You could have a domain hosted by Godaddy and have your MX record hosted somewhere else. In this case with Dig command you can check where the DNS…

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How to purge the cache of a page

How to purge the cache of a page

I get sometimes requests from customers to invalidate the cache for a particular webpage only. From inside the server the PURGE request is allowed so: curl –insecure -I -H "Host:www.racoonlab.com" -X PURGE http://localhost/whatever/whatever/whatever/ Another option is to use telnet: Since telnet commands are not meant…

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